The Brand

Allegra James

Allegra James is an elevated American footwear brand that strikes the balance between femininity, sophistication, and playfulness.

Project Objective

We helped Allegra James run a Barbie® Giveaway Campaign to increase growth, awareness, and reach. Each participant filled out a form that allowed us to capture their information to add to the brand’s CRM for future marketing campaigns.

Services provided

• Digital Advertising
• Photo and Video Production

Campaign Results

Over 1,500 people entered into the Allegra James Barbie® Giveaway.

Paid Results

• Increased reach by 2.7k%
• Increased impressions by 4k%
• Increased link clicks by 1.7k%
• Increased sales volume from ad

Organic Results

• Increased reach by 4.4k%
• Increased impressions by 4.7k%
• Increased web traffic by 1.8k%
• Increased audience growth by 50%

Ages Reached (Paid)

Gender Reached (Paid)

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Ten Four Social

Contractor CEO